I , Me and Shakthi - Life's little lessons

The average guy looks for a meaning in his life after a considerable journey through it . But what do I want ? I want to beat the averages and find the real me !! Will I succeed ? Fingers Crossed !!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Reception ....

Was more fun .
At the wedding it was just about 500+ people who wanted to wish me happiness .
Here it was 1200+ and all of them had fun and just seeing that made me happy .
I was wearing a Two piece Blazer with matching shoes and Hema was wearing a bluish silk saree .
There was an orchestra playing , (very LOUDLY ) , the guests were regaling and so was my mind .
A small side note is the fact that the orchestra was playing popular film hits and that was considered cool at that time .

Please note that everyone of the guests met us and wished us , smiled and had their photo with us and moved on to dinner .We on the other hand , well , met them , met them , met them , met them , hey it is 10:00 pm , ok you can have dinner now !!
Imagine our energy levels .They were like the friendship between Sehwag and Chappell , at a record low !!But wait , just before dinner , there are 25 photos of us that need to be taken (in various fun poses :)) .Arrrggghhhh !! My kingdom for food !!! Finally after an hour of Xtreme photography ;) , we had dinner !! .Then my whole family sat around us and we had the happiest 30 mins of our married life !! .

Then everyone started retiring and so did we , and then started the longest chat I have had with my wife till date .We were talking for about 11 hours after that .There werent any really important things that we talked about , we just kept talking .You see , this was the moment we had waited and struggled and dreamt of and when it was here , our happiness just flowed out in conversation that dint stop at all .

Suddenly asked her to check the time and guess what , it was morning !! Hooray , since we dint sleep , we dint need to brush !! (just kidding) .

That my dear reader was the start of our married life .

Please note two important things here

1. "I" has become "We" in this post
2. I hope you can see the wide grin I have when I am typing this .

Ahh , but good things dont last long , and very soon there was a flurry of worry !!
More on that in the next post

Ciao for now



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