I , Me and Shakthi - Life's little lessons

The average guy looks for a meaning in his life after a considerable journey through it . But what do I want ? I want to beat the averages and find the real me !! Will I succeed ? Fingers Crossed !!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pravenka : The Preparer !!

Today we talk about the last of the awesome foursome.
The Final and most weighted member of our gang : Pravenka (again , that is his id , his name is Pradeep !!)

Even now when I think of it ; I still dont remember where I met him first or what we talked .
It feels like we were always friends and he was always there , and that is how he is " always there when u need him !

Pradeep is a very strong sysadmin and I am also told by reliable sources that he is good at development and testing too !
But that is not the Pradeep that we want to talk about .My Friend Pradeep , is a very nice , well mannered and dependable person .
Whenever you need an additional head to think things out , he is the right guy .
You can trust him to be blatantly blunt and truthful about his opinion .
Like I said  when talking about Paari , it is a long forgotten vice that got us together more often .
Lunch times were really good , you see there was Swami the dreamer  and then Pravenka the preparer , he prepared you to wake up from your dreams :)

There was a prestigious quiz competition at office , me , Paari and Pradeep participated , there was a some simple question about Ethernet Twisted pair and Pradeep muffed it up :)

There was a boys day out at a guest house where Pradeep's preparation skills impressed me boundlessly .
Man !! He is the ultimate preparer :)

More about him in another post


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