I , Me and Shakthi - Life's little lessons

The average guy looks for a meaning in his life after a considerable journey through it . But what do I want ? I want to beat the averages and find the real me !! Will I succeed ? Fingers Crossed !!

Friday, March 09, 2007


Thank God it is a friday .I dont have to get up early tommorow .
TGIF : I can watch TV late today
TGIF : Me and my son can play longer today
TGIF : I can afford to have a long sweet chat with my wife at night
TGIF : I can pull my legs up and plan for the weekend tonight
TGIF : Tomorrow is a Holiday
TGIF : The day after too

Hurray for the inventor of Friday !!!

Here is how my friday evenings go :-

I go home and my son has 1000 questions abt which pokemon can battle which one and why Ash uses the wrong one always but wins all the time .Then he teaches me the names of about 150 pokemon that he knows by heart now .Then we talk about why only Spongebob can wear square pants and what will happen if we did (!!) .We also try and find someone who is a Squidward in our circle :) .Then we discuss the next threat to the world that Robin and the Teen Titans will have to face and the kinda startegy they need to work around that .He then tells me what transpired that week at school.Then he asks me to narrate the customary bedtime story without which he doesn't sleep at all .Gone are the days when I used to sing him to sleep.He says "DAD !!!!!" when I start now and I stop immediately.We think he is asleep , but he sits up and asks me to power up my laptop and print him a pokemon coloring page .Mostly Pikachu and Charizard , sometimes it is Wabuffet .Then all of us get together and color the picture .And Finally he goes to sleep .

Here is the coloring page

Then I ensure that he is asleep , switch the TV on and slip in my James Bond DVD collection and let it run .As the movie goes by I recollect the first time I saw it as a kid.Most of these take me back to my brother Sashi , as we were the twosome that watched the max english stuff at home those days .Sometimes , I pick up my phone and call Sashi (he is now living in the US ) , we chat for some time.Amazing , how time changes you , there is so much you can , but there is only so much you really talk about now-a-days.Boy , I miss our growing up days .

My wife secretly brings in some snacks (!!) for me to munch on and then me and her start talking .Mostly nothing significant , but everytime we talk , I end up realise how much I enjoy , just talking to her and how it instantly makes me lighter .We chat till about 1:00 am and then go to sleep .At this point I shud mention that get up early irrespective of when we sleep.Thanks to my Grandma for the early waking habit that is in my genes now .

Will tell you about Saturdays tomorrow as it is a Saturday !!

Ciao for now



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