I , Me and Shakthi - Life's little lessons

The average guy looks for a meaning in his life after a considerable journey through it . But what do I want ? I want to beat the averages and find the real me !! Will I succeed ? Fingers Crossed !!

Friday, November 24, 2006

What do u do ?

When you are old enuf to realise that you need a companion in life and that it is not gonna be that easy finding one ? Well , nothing much you can do there , right ?

In my case , it was in a very unexpected way the life gave me my first valuable gift ; my wife !
Let me describe the day in vivid detail as I remember it even now (it has been around 12 years or more ).I ws walking into a computer institute where I was enrolled to study SYBASE/Powerbuilder/VB , the killer combination of those days .India was and is a paper oriented country , so there was a lot of paperwork involved in enrolling into the class those days .I was with my classmates from college who had also joined the same course .We were a bunch of high decibel loudmouths converting the reception area into a college corridor .I was particularly being loud and funny as I thought that was the only way I cud get girls to look at me !! :) After a while of being boisterous and funny , We settled down and started the paperwork .At that time , I noticed that there were two girls sitting right opposite to me .One was dressed traditionally and was a bit round .She was also very particularly looking haughty .The other girl was wearing what is known in India as MIDI or more popular as a mini skirt .She had a wonderful smile on her face .She had long hair , which was not the trend those days .She looked like the origin of energy in the universe .The moment I saw her , there was something in me that flashed , something that momentarily overwhelmed me , but then the civilized me overlooked it and I told myself "Let me say Hi !" .and I did .
She politely returned my Hi and we started speaking .Her name was Hema .At that time of my life I was not exactly very proud of my college , so I told here I was from a very posh one .Then we chatted for about 5 mins .Then I went out with my friends for a 5 min break and got back , She was gone ! Ugh , she was in a different class and I was in another .At that time , I just told myself "Arrey chod yaar ,if it is destined , it will happen " .And started concentrating on the only girl in my class :)

But like they say , Fate had different plans !!
I will tell you more in tommorow's post .
Hang on till then .



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