I , Me and Shakthi - Life's little lessons

The average guy looks for a meaning in his life after a considerable journey through it . But what do I want ? I want to beat the averages and find the real me !! Will I succeed ? Fingers Crossed !!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Bday Sus !!

Have a Blast and have it throughout the year !!

You deserve the very best of everything and you will get it .
You are a glowing example of spirit , grit and determination 

No No : No Hindi poem ;-)

HBD !!


Thursday, November 06, 2008

"Forever" - What a thought !

There are things that fascinate me from childhood . "Forever" is one of them . The very concept of forever is very intriguing . When did time start and when will it end ? What a fantastic thought ! Truly needs a fertile mind to think it up and make sense out of it . Come to think of it , something or someone that will be there forever !! Wowee!!

With that thought ; I started thinking , if forever was true , what would I want forever ? Then there would be a list of things there , some that I am used to and many that I want to be used to . So here goes my forever list .

Things I want forever :

  1. Hari
  2. Hema
  3. All my relatives
  4. Sus
  5. My Sense of Humor
  6. Rajesh and Sampath

Now down to the why part of this list . Let us take them one by one .

Hari is the center of my universe and If I am to be ; he has to be otherwise I am not . That is the best way to put it
Hema is me and together we are WE , the very essence of me
My relatives are the completely total support system I have and they are necessary for everything
Sus , you must be surprised to find you here in this list ; well frankly so am I , never before has someone become so important , valuable and totally reliable for me ever in my insignificant life so far . I alone know the number of times that you have supported me when I was down and out and there are no words to describe that ; even my family knows that very well . so I figure if there is a forever , our friendship deserves it ! What say ?

My Sense of humor is the only thing that is between where I am today and what I would have been otherwise ; so i want to keep it forever too

Rajesh and Sampath : Two of my best friends who will do anything for me and I will do anything for them ; they are the pillars of my thoughts , plans and everything . They kinda complete my world . They are like little brothers who are growing up and growing up Fast . I want to have them also with me forever .

That's all , not a very long forever list na ?
See you soon !!
